
Sana SPA Hotel is located in the heart of the town of Hisarya in the park named Orpheev dol. 

Address: Hisarya, 1 Beli brezi St.

GPS coordinates:    Latitude: 42.49875 | Longitude: 24.710972

42 ° 29'55.5 "N 24 ° 42'39.5" E

If arriving from Plovdiv, continue straight on the main road toward Karlovo. At the second intersection, you turn right towards the city center. Then the street leads you to the left. At the first intersection /at the children's playground/ turn right as indicated on the sign. Drive straight until you reach the Roman fortress wall and then turn right. After turn left so you pass through the southern fortress gate "Kamilite". Immediately thereafter turn left onto the street parallel to the bicycle path. After a few meters you will reach Sana SPA Hotel on your right side.

If arriving from Karlovo, continue straight on the main road toward Plovdiv. You will see the fortress wall on your left and at the main intersection turn left towards the city center. Then the street leads you to the left. At the first intersection /at the children's playground/ turn right as indicated on the sign. Drive straight until you reach the Roman fortress wall and then turn right. After turn left so you pass through the southern fortress gate "Kamilite". Immediately thereafter turn left onto the street parallel to the bicycle path. After a few meters you will reach Sana SPA Hotel on your right side.

If you are experiencing some difficulties do not hesitate to contact us by phone and we will help you.